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Alabama real estate schools
Time commitment: 60 hours
Total initial costs: $500-$600
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)
Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)
Alaska real estate schools
Time commitment: 40 hours
Total initial costs: $900-$1,000
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)
Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)
Arizona real estate school
Time commitment: 90 hours
Total initial costs: $600-$700
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)
Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)
Arkansas real estate schools
Time commitment: 60 hours
Total initial costs: $400-$550
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)
Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)
California real estate schools
Allied Business Schools, Inc
First Tuesday
The CE Shop
Chabot College
Time commitment: 135 hours
Total initial costs: $600-$700
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)
Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)
Colorado real estate schools
Time commitment: 168 hours
Total initial costs: $1,000-$1,200
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)
Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)
Connecticut real estate schools
Time commitment: 60 hours
Total initial costs: $700-$800
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)
Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)
Delaware real estate schools
Time commitment: 99 hours
Total initial costs: $850-$950
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)
Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)
District of Columbia real estate schools
Time commitment: 60 hours
Total initial costs: $550-$700
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)
Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)
Florida real estate schools
Time commitment: 72 hours
Total initial costs: $500-$600
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)
Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)
Georgia real estate schools
Time commitment: 63 hours
Total initial costs: $700-$800
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)
Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)
Hawaii real estate schools
Time commitment: 60 hours
Total initial costs: $800-$1,000
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)
Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)
Idaho real estate schools
Time commitment: 90 hours
Total initial costs: $850-$1,000
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)
Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)
Illinois real estate schools
Time commitment: 90 hours
Total initial costs: $600-$800
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)
Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)
Indiana real estate schools
Time commitment: 90 hours
Total initial costs: $700-$800
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)
Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)
Iowa real estate schools
Time commitment: 96 hours
Total initial costs: $700-$1,000
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)
Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)
Kansas real estate schools
Time commitment: 60 hours
Total initial costs: $450-$600
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)
Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)
Kentucky real estate schools
Time commitment: 96 hours
Total initial costs: $500-$900
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)
Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)
Louisiana real estate schools
Time commitment: 90 hours
Total initial costs: $400-$600
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)
Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)
Maine real estate schools
Time commitment: 55 hours
Total initial costs: $600-$750
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)
Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)
Maryland real estate schools
Time commitment: 60 hours
Total initial costs: $500-$600
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)
Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)
Massachusetts real estate schools
Time commitment: 40 hours
Total initial costs: $500-$700
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)
Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)
Michigan real estate schools
Time commitment: 40 hours
Total initial costs: $400-$650
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)
Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)
Minnesota real estate schools
Time commitment: 90 hours
Total initial costs: $400-$500
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)
Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)
Mississippi real estate schools
Time commitment: 60 hours
Total initial costs: $400-$600
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)
Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)
Missouri real estate schools
Time commitment: 72 hours
Total initial costs: $400-$500
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)
Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)
Montana real estate schools
Time commitment: 70 hours
Total initial costs: $500-$800
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)
Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)
Nebraska real estate schools
Time commitment: 66 hours
Total initial costs: $500-$650
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)
Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)
Nevada real estate schools
Time commitment: 90 hours
Total initial costs: $400-$500
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)
Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)
New Hampshire real estate schools
Time commitment: 40 hours
Total initial costs: $600-$700
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)
Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)
New Jersey real estate schools
Time commitment: 75 hours
Total initial costs: $600-$700
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)
Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)
New Mexico real estate schools
Time commitment: 90 hours
Total initial costs: $1,000-$1,300
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)
Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)
New York real estate schools
Time commitment: 75 hours
Total initial costs: $500-$950
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)
Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)
North Carolina real estate schools
Time commitment: 75 hours
Total initial costs: $550-$650
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)
Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)
North Dakota real estate schools
Time commitment: 90 hours
Total initial costs: $750-$1,350
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)
Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)
Ohio real estate schools
Time commitment: 120 hours
Total initial costs: $1,300-$1,400
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)
Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)
Oklahoma real estate schools
Time commitment: 90 hours
Total initial costs: $450-$750
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)
Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)
Oregon real estate schools
Time commitment: 150 hours
Total initial costs: $850-$1,000
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)
Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)
Pennsylvania real estate schools
Time commitment: 75 hours
Total initial costs: $400-$600
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)
Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)
Rhode Island real estate schools
Time commitment: 90 hours
Total initial costs: $500-$650
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)
Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)
South Carolina real estate schools
Time commitment: 90 hours
Total initial costs: $650-$850
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)
Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)
South Dakota real estate schools
Time commitment: 116 hours
Total initial costs: $1,400-$1,800
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)
Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)
Tennessee real estate schools
Time commitment: 90 hours
Total initial costs: $600-$900
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)
Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)
Texas real estate schools
The Real Estate Business School
Champions School of Real Estate
Real Estate Express
School Estate
Realtor Academy Sabor (San Antonio)
Time commitment: 180 hours
Total initial costs: $600-$1,200
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)
Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)
Toronto real estate schools
Time commitment: Must complete within 18 months
Total initial costs: $4,200-$5,000
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)
Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)
Utah real estate schools
Time commitment: 120 hours
Total initial costs: $750-$950
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)
Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)
Vancouver real estate schools
Time commitment: Must complete within 2 years
Total initial costs: $2,400-$3,50
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)
Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)
Vermont real estate schools
Time commitment: 40 hours
Total initial costs: $400-$600
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)
Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)
Virginia real estate schools
Time commitment: 60 hours
Total initial costs: $450-$750
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)
Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)
Washington real estate schools
Time commitment: 90 hours
Total initial costs: $600-$700
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)
Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)
West Virginia real estate schools
Time commitment: 90 hours
Total initial costs: $700-$850
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)
Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)
Wisconsin real estate schools
Time commitment: 72 hours
Total initial costs: $600-$700
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)
Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)
Wyoming real estate schools
Time commitment: 54 hours
Total initial costs: $650-$850
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)
Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)