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Alabama real estate schools

Time commitment: 60 hours

Total initial costs: $500-$600
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)

Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)

Alaska real estate schools

Time commitment: 40 hours

Total initial costs: $900-$1,000
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)

Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)

Arizona real estate school

Time commitment: 90 hours

Total initial costs: $600-$700
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)

Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)

Arkansas real estate schools

Time commitment: 60 hours

Total initial costs: $400-$550
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)

Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)

California real estate schools

Time commitment: 135 hours

Total initial costs: $600-$700
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)

Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)

Colorado real estate schools

Time commitment: 168 hours

Total initial costs: $1,000-$1,200
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)

Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)

Connecticut real estate schools

Time commitment: 60 hours

Total initial costs: $700-$800
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)

Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)

Delaware real estate schools

Time commitment: 99 hours

Total initial costs: $850-$950
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)

Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)

District of Columbia real estate schools

Time commitment: 60 hours

Total initial costs: $550-$700
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)

Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)

Florida real estate schools

Time commitment: 72 hours

Total initial costs: $500-$600
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)

Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)

Georgia real estate schools

Time commitment: 63 hours

Total initial costs: $700-$800
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)

Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)

Hawaii real estate schools

Time commitment: 60 hours

Total initial costs: $800-$1,000
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)

Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)

Idaho real estate schools

Time commitment: 90 hours

Total initial costs: $850-$1,000
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)

Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)

Illinois real estate schools

Time commitment: 90 hours

Total initial costs: $600-$800
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)

Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)

Indiana real estate schools

Time commitment: 90 hours

Total initial costs: $700-$800
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)

Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)

Iowa real estate schools

Time commitment: 96 hours

Total initial costs: $700-$1,000
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)

Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)

Kansas real estate schools

Time commitment: 60 hours

Total initial costs: $450-$600
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)

Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)

Kentucky real estate schools

Time commitment: 96 hours

Total initial costs: $500-$900
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)

Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)


Louisiana real estate schools

Time commitment: 90 hours

Total initial costs: $400-$600
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)

Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)

Maine real estate schools

Time commitment: 55 hours

Total initial costs: $600-$750
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)

Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)

Maryland real estate schools

Time commitment: 60 hours

Total initial costs: $500-$600
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)

Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)

Massachusetts real estate schools

Time commitment: 40 hours

Total initial costs: $500-$700
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)

Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)



Michigan real estate schools

Time commitment: 40 hours

Total initial costs: $400-$650
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)

Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)

Minnesota real estate schools

Time commitment: 90 hours

Total initial costs: $400-$500
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)

Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)

Mississippi real estate schools

Time commitment: 60 hours

Total initial costs: $400-$600
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)

Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)

Missouri real estate schools

Time commitment: 72 hours

Total initial costs: $400-$500
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)

Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)

Montana real estate schools

Time commitment: 70 hours

Total initial costs: $500-$800
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)

Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)

Nebraska real estate schools

Time commitment: 66 hours

Total initial costs: $500-$650
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)

Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)

Nevada real estate schools

Time commitment: 90 hours

Total initial costs: $400-$500
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)

Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)

New Hampshire real estate schools

Time commitment: 40 hours

Total initial costs: $600-$700
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)

Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)

New Jersey real estate schools

Time commitment: 75 hours

Total initial costs: $600-$700
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)

Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)

New Mexico real estate schools

Time commitment: 90 hours

Total initial costs: $1,000-$1,300
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)

Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)

New York real estate schools

Time commitment: 75 hours

Total initial costs: $500-$950
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)

Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)

North Carolina real estate schools

Time commitment: 75 hours

Total initial costs: $550-$650
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)

Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)

North Dakota real estate schools

Time commitment: 90 hours

Total initial costs: $750-$1,350
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)

Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)



Ohio real estate schools

Time commitment: 120 hours

Total initial costs: $1,300-$1,400
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)

Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)

Oklahoma real estate schools

Time commitment: 90 hours

Total initial costs: $450-$750
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)

Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)

Oregon real estate schools

Time commitment: 150 hours

Total initial costs: $850-$1,000
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)

Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)

Pennsylvania real estate schools

Time commitment: 75 hours

Total initial costs: $400-$600
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)

Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)

Rhode Island real estate schools

Time commitment: 90 hours

Total initial costs: $500-$650
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)

Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)

South Carolina real estate schools

Time commitment: 90 hours

Total initial costs: $650-$850
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)

Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)

South Dakota real estate schools

Time commitment: 116 hours

Total initial costs: $1,400-$1,800
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)

Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)

Tennessee real estate schools

Time commitment: 90 hours

Total initial costs: $600-$900
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)

Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)

Texas real estate schools

Time commitment: 180 hours

Total initial costs: $600-$1,200
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)

Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)



Toronto real estate schools

Time commitment: Must complete within 18 months

Total initial costs: $4,200-$5,000
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)

Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)

Utah real estate schools

Time commitment: 120 hours

Total initial costs: $750-$950
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)

Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)

Vancouver real estate schools

Time commitment: Must complete within 2 years

Total initial costs: $2,400-$3,50
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)

Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)

Vermont real estate schools

Time commitment: 40 hours

Total initial costs: $400-$600
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)

Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)

Virginia real estate schools

Time commitment: 60 hours

Total initial costs: $450-$750
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)

Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)

Washington real estate schools

Time commitment: 90 hours

Total initial costs: $600-$700
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)

Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)

West Virginia real estate schools

Time commitment: 90 hours

Total initial costs: $700-$850
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)

Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)

Wisconsin real estate schools

Time commitment: 72 hours

Total initial costs: $600-$700
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)

Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)

Wyoming real estate schools

Time commitment: 54 hours

Total initial costs: $650-$850
(Including coursework, exams, licensing fees)

Recurring costs and fees: $600–$1,800 annually
(Including MLS and association dues)